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May 10, 2023

Day 1

9:00 am - 10:00 am


1A. Top Survey Deficiencies: Be Proactive and Not Reactive

Session Description:

In this session we will discuss the top CMS survey deficiencies, some examples of what surveyors have found, and what you can do to be proactive in avoiding them! Medications and coordination of care are among the two most consistent deficiencies found with agencies...and learn what YOU can do on an ongoing basis to avoid these deficiencies.



J’non Griffin, RN MHA HCS-D, COS-C, HCS-H , Sr. Vice President/Principal-Coding and OASIS Department, SimiTree


Continuing Education:

1.0 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.0 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education


1B. Mitigating Non-Compliance: What to Expect During an LHH Survey or Investigation

Session Description:

Home health and its regulation in Texas is a changing landscape and the recently published common state violations for state fiscal year 2022 reflect the challenges faced by agencies. This session will highlight the frequently cited areas of noncompliance for licensed home health agencies in Texas. In a review of the frequent citations, the presenter will list possible mitigation strategies, required documentation, and pressure points for self-assessment. Attending this training will help the agency administrator prepare for surveys and investigations by strengthening the understanding of State licensing standards and expectations.



Rosalind Nelson-Gamblin, Independent Healthcare Consultant, Former Senior Policy Specialist at HHSC


Continuing Education:

1.0 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.0 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education


10:15 am – 11:30 am


2A. Home Health QAPI

Session Description:

An Effective Home Health Quality Program is a key component to a well-run organization! This session will focus on understanding the home health QAPI CoP and knowing the rules for the condition. We will detail the steps for building a successful QAPI program as well as developing action plans to ensure your agency’s QAPI program is effective. You will learn how utilizing your home health QAPI program to the fullest will improve your agency's compliance and performance. 



Leslie Heagy, RN, COS-C, Director of Clinical Services, Healthcare Provider Solutions


Continuing Education:

1.25 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.25 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education


2B. LHH Infection Control: Regulations and Best Practices

Session Description:

In this session, we will explore the common deficiencies related to infection control in the state of Texas. Review the state regulations and offer best practices to ensure a clean deficiency free survey related to infection control. We will take some time to consider guidance from OSHA in meeting all standard requirements, concluding with practices for tracking and infection resolution.



Tony Meluzio, Senior Content Manager, AXXESS


Continuing Education:

1.25 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.25 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education

11:45 am - 12:45 pm


3A. Updates Regarding Infection Control Survey Requirements in 2023 Post-Pandemic

Session Description:

his session will review all required infection control rules and regulations for a successful licensed and certified agency survey. Home Health Infection control programs require monitoring, control, surveillance, prevention and education. Noted speaker, Lynn Smith with SimiTree, will help answer these questions: What does a surveyor focus on? What areas does the surveyor look at regarding infection control?  (home visits, policies/procedures, education) What changes are anticipated with the end of PHE ? Learn from the best and leave this session with all of your infection control questions answered. 



Lynn Smith, RN, MSN

Senior Manager, Compliance and Regulatory,  SimiTree


Continuing Education:

1.0 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.0


3B. Emergency Preparedness – Every LHHS Should Have a Plan

Session Description:

As a home health provider, planning is important because you have to make sure your agency and its staff members have the supplies needed to safely care for your patients in times of emergency.  When planning for contingencies, home health care providers must consider a variety of hazards and events that could impact their patients. Hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires, radiation releases, chemical exposures, seasonal and pandemic influenza, and acts of terrorism are just a few examples. There are 5 phases of emergency preparedness that must be in place and ready for implementation.  Join us as we learn the simple measures that home health care provider can implement to increase the personal readiness of their patients and themselves. Additionally, become familiar with existing emergency response plans, processes, and procedures in both the workplace and community. Once you are armed with the necessary resources, help your patients, their family members, and other caregivers to be prepared, assemble a kit, make a plan and be informed.



Sheila Davis, Senior Executive Vice President, Area Operations, Always Best Care Senior Services


Continuing Education:

1.0 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.0 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education


1:15 pm - 2:15 pm


4A. Home Health Emergency Preparedness

Session Description:

An Emergency Preparedness program that includes all required elements will result in a survey free of E-tags and an agency prepared to deal with all possible hazards!  This session outlines the required components, steps and timelines needed to ensure agencies are survey ready related to the Emergency Preparedness Conditions of Participation.  This session will address all required components of a compliant Home Health Emergency Preparedness Program that meets regulatory guidelines and all elements needed to have an effective Emergency Preparedness Program.



Victoria Barron, MBA, BSN, RN, COS-C, Clinical Consultant, Healthcare Provider Solutions


Continuing Education:

1.0 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.0 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education



4B. QAPI - Make A Compliance Program Prepare You for Surveys

Session Description:

Providers should strive to establish a culture of compliance to consistently be ready for a survey at any moment.  An effective compliance program can maintain an agency's survey readiness.  They drive a provider to establish a culture of proactive adherence to regulations, promote prevention, detection and resolution of conduct that does not conform to program requirements AND meet survey standards at all times. 


Brian W Lebanion, MBA, CPC, RNC, HCS-O, HCS-D

Healthcare Consulting Manager, Wipfli 


Continuing Education:

1.0 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.0 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education

2:30 pm - 3:45 pm


5A. Plan of Care Deficiencies and Documentation Tips

Session Description:

The patient plan of care (POC) is a hotbed of opportunity for surveyors to find deficiencies. As the foundation of every patient’s care, the POC contains orders, medications, identifiers, frequencies, interventions, goals, certification statement…you get the picture…there are a LOT of areas for error! In this session, we will look at the most common deficiencies cited and learn ways to avoid them. You will learn tips and helpful items to have in your POCs to save time and avoid those dreaded G-tags! In addition, we will review examples of documentation statements and narratives that can be customized for your patients.



Jennifer Amheiser, BSN, RN, Director of Education Services, HealthCare ConsultLink


Continuing Education:

1.25 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.25 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education



5B. Dispelling Urban Legends of Compliant Home Health Plans of Care and Documentation

Session Description:

Home health and its regulation in Texas is a changing landscape and the recently published common state violations for state fiscal year 2022 reflect the challenges faced by agencies. This session will highlight the frequently cited areas of noncompliance for licensed home health agencies in Texas. In a review of the frequent citations, the presenter will list possible mitigation strategies, required documentation, and pressure points for self-assessment. Attending this training will help the agency administrator prepare for surveys and investigations by strengthening the understanding of State licensing standards and expectations.



Jennifer Osburn, RN, HCS-D, COS-C, Senior Manager, Clinical Consulting, SimiTree


Continuing Education:

1.25 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.25 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education


Day 2

May 11, 2023

9:00 am - 10:00 am


1C. Can Your Hospice Documentation Survive a Medical Review Audit? 


1D. Preventing Common Citations: What to Expect During a PAS Survey or Investigation

Session Description:

With an increase in TPE, UPIC and SMRC audits agencies need to ensure each chart can stand alone when audited.  We know the #1 reason hospice agencies fail audits, have claims denied and have to pay money back is when the terminal diagnosis is not substantiated at admission and throughout the benefit period.  Please join Jennifer Prescott RN, MSN, CDP Founder/COO of Blue Water Homecare and Hospice as she outlines the keys to success for hospice documentation for each discipline to support clinical eligibility based on LCD’s (Local Coverage Determination) and Medicare Conditions of Participation.  It will be a fun and fast paced session sharing tips and tricks for improving overall documentation, plans of care, and IDG documentation. 


Jennifer Prescott, RN, MSN, CDP, Founder, COO, Blue Water Homecare and Hospice


Continuing Education:

1.0 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.0 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education

Session Description:

Providing personal assistance services is challenging, but especially so in a post-public health emergency environment. This session will highlight the areas of noncompliance that were frequently cited for personal assistance services (PAS) agencies in Texas during state fiscal year 2022. The presenter will provide tips to prevent citations, talk about documentation requirements, and discuss ways to self-assess performance. Attending this training will help the agency administrator prepare for surveys and investigations by strengthening the understanding of State licensing standards and expectations.



Rosalind Nelson-Gamblin, Independent Healthcare Consultant, Former Senior Policy Specialist at HHSC


Continuing Education:

1.0 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.0 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education

10:15 am - 11:30 am


2C. QAPI - Make A Compliance Program Prepare You for Surveys


2D. QAPI for PAS agencies

Session Description:

Providers should strive to establish a culture of compliance to consistently be ready for a survey at any moment.  An effective compliance program can maintain an agency's survey readiness.  They drive a provider to establish a culture of proactive adherence to regulations, promote prevention, detection and resolution of conduct that does not conform to program requirements AND meet survey standards at all times. 



Brian W Lebanion, MBA, CPC, RNC, HCS-O, HCS-D

Healthcare Consulting Manager, Wipfli


Continuing Education:

1.25 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.25 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education


Session Description:

Texas has long mandated Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement (QAPI) activities for all HCSSAs.  This focus has become sharper during the public health emergency and increased survey deficiencies have been cited in this area. This presentation will help the agency conduct QAPI activities in ways that are efficient and that result in confident, successful surveys.



Kay Hollers, RN, MPH | Independent Consultant| HealthCare ConsultLink  


Continuing Education:

1.25 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.25 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education

11:45 am - 12:45 pm


3C. Infection Control


3D. Emergency Preparedness – Every PAS Provider Should Have a Plan

Session Description:

This presentation will discuss the current regulatory requirements for infection control for hospice agencies, including practical implementation of the regulations within your agency.  With the cessation of the COVID-19 PHE and the increased oversight on hospice agency operations, agencies must ensure their compliance with all regulations, and guidelines – including the recently updated State operations manual surveyor guidance.  The session offers tips and tools for you to use as you tackle the ongoing challenge of educating staff, patients and caregivers about this ever-important requirement.



Colleen Bryan, Senior Consultant, Lead Educator, JCC Consulting


Continuing Education:

1.0 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.0 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education


Session Description:

As a home care provider, planning is important because you have to make sure your agency and its staff members have the supplies needed to safely care for your clients in times of emergency.  When planning for contingencies, home care providers must consider a variety of hazards and events that could impact their patients. Hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires, radiation releases, chemical exposures, seasonal and pandemic influenza, and acts of terrorism are just a few examples. There are 5 phases of emergency preparedness that must be in place.  Join us as we learn the simple measures that home care providers can implement to increase the personal readiness of their clients and themselves. Additionally, become familiar with existing emergency response plans, processes, and procedures in both the workplace and community. Once you are armed with the necessary resources, help your clients, their family members, and other caregivers to be prepared, assemble a kit, make a plan and be informed.



Sheila Davis, Senior Executive Vice President, Area Operations, Always Best Care Senior Services


Continuing Education:

1.0 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.0 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education


1:15 pm - 2:15 pm


4C. Hospice Emergency Preparedness


4D. Reporting Requirements

Session Description:

An Emergency Preparedness program that includes all required elements will result in a survey free of E-tags and an agency prepared to deal with all possible hazards!  This session outlines the required components, steps and timelines needed to ensure agencies are survey ready related to the Emergency Preparedness Conditions of Participation.  This session will address all required components of a compliant Hospice Emergency Preparedness Program that meets regulatory guidelines and includes all required elements to be an effective Emergency Preparedness Program.



Victoria Barron, MBA, BSN, RN, COS-C, Clinical Consultant, Healthcare Provider Solutions Inc.


Continuing Education:

1.0 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.0 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education


Session Description:

When operating a PAS home care agency, it can be daunting to figure out which rules apply to your agency and how to modify certain home health statutes that do apply, to make sense for your non-medical business model. In this session, we’ll discuss why it is important to capture information about your clients and staff through documentation, and what reporting can and should look like for PAS.



Candyce Slusher, LVN, CDCS

Owner, SLUSHER Consulting  


Continuing Education:

1.0 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.0 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education

2:30 pm - 3:45 pm


5C. What to expect with Hospice Surveys & New Hospice Guidelines


5D. Preparing Your PAS Personnel Files for a Successful Survey

Session Description:

CMS has updated the surveyor protocols and trainings for hospice under direct pressure from the OIG.  These surveys are intended on insuring all hospices are providing the quality of care that we all want in our industry- but it still may increase the difficulty we find with the survey process to ensure full compliance.  These rules are being applied whether you are surveyed by your state, or by an accrediting organization such as Joint Commission, CHAP or ACHC.  This session will review the changes, but even more importantly will provide insights on how to best prepare for these new interview questions, home visit observations and high risk record review areas.  Bonus: Tools will be provided for your own preparation and success!



Annette Lee, RN, MS, HCS-D, COS-C, CEO and Founder, Provider Insights, Inc.


Continuing Education:

1.25 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.25 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education

Session Description:

Do you find that you are often asking yourself if a document belongs in your employee’s HR file? Does it belong in the confidential file? Does it need a separate file? How long are you supposed to keep the files? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you do not want to miss noted speaker, Valerie Cornett, as she prepares you for a successful survey related to your personnel files. This session will guide the attendee through the required documents, annual education requirements and evidence needed to assure you are survey ready and compliant with regulations and Texas Administrative Code, OSHA and much more!



Valerie Cornett, Chief of Strategy and Innovation, MAC Legacy


Continuing Education:

1.25 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.25 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education


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